So, I have to admit, I love Facebook above all other social media platforms. Why? Because it’s a personal experience with friends and co-workers, that isn’t really business focused. But I mostly have “business friends” on it.
I have a modest amount (compared to some) of friends on Facebook. Somewhere north of 350+. However 90% of those are friends I don’t get to see on a regular basis, we were probably co-workers at some point and I loved having lunch with them, and we shared lots of fun times, but I don’t hang out with them. It brings folks closer together that would have drifted apart. I love seeing them get older (just as I do), seeing what food they eat (and make!), and love seeing them have children and families and finding out about their lives. It’s much better than simply drifting apart. It makes them real. Real people with lives outside of the work environment.
So that brings me to Facebook’s latest thing, “Lookback”. I spend most of Facebook’s 10th Birthday Party watching my friends videos. I could hum the theme by the end of the day. It was great to see people’s posts in action. I really brought the friendships we have to life. I think it had the most “success” of anything they have done in a long time, just based on how many of my friends participated.
But it’s even greater than that. I think it’s the next step for Facebook. Talking with my friend Ken, he commented that he doesn’t use Facebook that much, but would if there were more interactive, creative things to do on Facebook like this. Today, they added the Edit feature to the Lookback videos. Being able to edit a highlights video of posts, should only be the first step Facebook does. Imagine being able to share your vacation pictures as a cool video with music. Or instead of a yearly look back that Facebook decides for you, how about an interactive wall of posts and videos that you can create.
I saw a blog about “Nobody wants to see your Facebook Lookback Video”. Written by a self-proclaimed “hater”. Well I stand up and say “I want to see yours!” I maxed out over 40 on the first day alone, and have tried my best to keep up. I am standing up for the people who liked (loved) the feature and wish there was more of it. I’m a sappy guy I guess.
Imagination could lead to many more users, that are constantly getting drawn to the latest social media darlings like Vine. Mark and team, thanks for 10 years and keep doing things that will bring users back to Facebook, because that’s where my friends are.